Liz Price Peer Review by Martin Rollins

Nov 30, 2015

"Garden Path", oil on paper, 15" x 11"

“Garden Path”, oil on paper, 15″ x 11″

Excerpt from a peer review by Martin Rollins of A NEW BEGINNING – Recent paintings by LIZ PRICE
On display through December 8, 2015

“The full strength of these paintings is the work within the exhibit to which I return again and again – Garden Path. The painting is one where we see the creative dimensions of the artist most clearly: the rich artistic influences, the sharp vibrant color, and the devil-may-care painting technique used in a scene of a path cutting through weeds and grasses. The work has its own appeal in its directness and random summertime charm, but then you notice how superlative the work is in its strong structure, modest color scheme, and how there appears to be not one extraneous brushstroke in the entire painting. In witnessing such mastery you not only understand how strong a painter Liz Price is, you begin to understand something about the creative path just ahead for her.”

For full review, click here.

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